Tickleberry's Run
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Tour Leaders: Rod & Anne
There was a great turnout for the season-opening event; the annual Tickleberry Run. In spite of very cool temperatures, threatening skies and a bit of rain we had over 30 cars and almost 60 participants. Four cars from the British Car Club participated as guests.
Our route took us through Keremeos where we made a stop at Sanderson's Farm Market, a great place with a well-stocked fresh produce section. The owners offered us free hot coffee & tea and delicious samosas.
Although the weather started off quite gloomy, many participants persevered with tops down and heaters on full blast! The perseverance paid off, as eventually we were able to catch a few rays of sunshine. It turned out to be a great day.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Tour Leaders: Rod & Anne
There was a great turnout for the season-opening event; the annual Tickleberry Run. In spite of very cool temperatures, threatening skies and a bit of rain we had over 30 cars and almost 60 participants. Four cars from the British Car Club participated as guests.
Our route took us through Keremeos where we made a stop at Sanderson's Farm Market, a great place with a well-stocked fresh produce section. The owners offered us free hot coffee & tea and delicious samosas.
Although the weather started off quite gloomy, many participants persevered with tops down and heaters on full blast! The perseverance paid off, as eventually we were able to catch a few rays of sunshine. It turned out to be a great day.