Walnut Beach Resort Drive
October 5-6th, 2019
Write-up by Mike Jervis
Fifteen cars assembled in Kelowna in the McDonalds parking area facing Enterprise Way. Mike Jervis began the initial driver's meeting with a review of the route and schedule and then Len McFarlane provided a great explanation of the use of our two-way radios. In brief, he proposed that beginning with the group leader as number one, each car equipped and able to use a radio would call out the next sequential number as they left the parking area and when they turned right onto Enterprise Way. Each car would then be able to identify themselves during a radio call with their specific number. This approach greatly improved the effectiveness of the two-way radios. For example, Mike, who was driving the lead car knew exactly when certain cars were clearing traffic lights and was able to adjust speed to keep the group as close together as possible.
After the briefing, we headed out parking area and turned right on Enterprise. We then turned right again at Leckie Road, crossed Highway 97 and then turned left onto Springfield Road and had a very easy drive to join highway 33.
The drive along highway 33 to Beaverdell was very enjoyable with little traffic and no cars ahead to slow us down until the last few Kilometers. We stopped in front of the Beaverdell Community Hall which seemed to be hosting a garage sale. The two toilets were busy for about 15 minutes before we set off again headed for Rock Creek.
Once at Rock Creek, we pulled into the Prospector Pub Parking lot where at least 27 members enjoyed lunch.
We left Rock Creek and discovered that Rolly was ahead of us and had taken up a position further down the road in order to get a perfect video of 13 of the cars as they pressed on to Osoyoos. At 45th Street, most of the cars followed Mike to the Adega Winery which was a surprise for the owner, Maria Nunes. She recovered quickly however and was soon pouring tastings for some twenty wine drinkers. The sun was out and the patio area was warm - a perfect place to stop for a while although some pressed on to the Nk'mip winery further down the road.
We all checked into the Walnut Beach Resort in Osoyoos for the night and shortly after 5 pm joined together in one of the larger rooms for a great evening BBQ all together.
October 5-6th, 2019
Write-up by Mike Jervis
Fifteen cars assembled in Kelowna in the McDonalds parking area facing Enterprise Way. Mike Jervis began the initial driver's meeting with a review of the route and schedule and then Len McFarlane provided a great explanation of the use of our two-way radios. In brief, he proposed that beginning with the group leader as number one, each car equipped and able to use a radio would call out the next sequential number as they left the parking area and when they turned right onto Enterprise Way. Each car would then be able to identify themselves during a radio call with their specific number. This approach greatly improved the effectiveness of the two-way radios. For example, Mike, who was driving the lead car knew exactly when certain cars were clearing traffic lights and was able to adjust speed to keep the group as close together as possible.
After the briefing, we headed out parking area and turned right on Enterprise. We then turned right again at Leckie Road, crossed Highway 97 and then turned left onto Springfield Road and had a very easy drive to join highway 33.
The drive along highway 33 to Beaverdell was very enjoyable with little traffic and no cars ahead to slow us down until the last few Kilometers. We stopped in front of the Beaverdell Community Hall which seemed to be hosting a garage sale. The two toilets were busy for about 15 minutes before we set off again headed for Rock Creek.
Once at Rock Creek, we pulled into the Prospector Pub Parking lot where at least 27 members enjoyed lunch.
We left Rock Creek and discovered that Rolly was ahead of us and had taken up a position further down the road in order to get a perfect video of 13 of the cars as they pressed on to Osoyoos. At 45th Street, most of the cars followed Mike to the Adega Winery which was a surprise for the owner, Maria Nunes. She recovered quickly however and was soon pouring tastings for some twenty wine drinkers. The sun was out and the patio area was warm - a perfect place to stop for a while although some pressed on to the Nk'mip winery further down the road.
We all checked into the Walnut Beach Resort in Osoyoos for the night and shortly after 5 pm joined together in one of the larger rooms for a great evening BBQ all together.